Empty Room Series Concept

There is an empty room in all of us. It exists deep inside where there is no sound, except for the sublime sound of silence where you can hear the beat of your heart.  It is the place we try to reach through meditation and quieting our thoughts. 

A vast number of ideas, images, visions, and feelings move through that room: a patchwork quilt of the present, past and future. Nothing is constant. In addition, advances in our modern world of instant communication through television and social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) makes it increasingly difficult to enter and stay in “The Empty Room”. In this series of actual Empty Room paintings, I also place images that are photographed and then removed to suggest the constant flow of thoughts, to capture a moment in time and to become random glimpses of possibilities. The work attempts, through a stream of consciousness, present day phenomena and its impact on the way we process information. I use The Empty Room as a metaphor for the refuge we struggle to reach in the search for spirit, love, peaceful thoughts, contentment, and discovery.

All paintings below are 36 x 36 inches, acrylic on canvas

Beatricia Sagar 2017